Educational Videos & Media
The following Videos and Presentations represent the views and opinions of the original creators of this content, and do not necessarily represent the views, opinions, or endorsement of the Lipedema Foundation. This content has been made available for informational and educational purposes only.
What’s New?
All About Compression for Lymphedema and Lipedema (through Juzo Academy) - In-person Event
Agenda will include examination of similarities and differences between the two conditions, as well as discussion of the science of medical compression and proper garment selection. The day will end with a measuring and sizing workshop with Juzo compression garment samples shown.
Cost: $50.00
7.5 ABC & 9 BOC Credits
Salt Lake City, Utah, 2/11/2025, Time: 8AM-5PM
Columbus, Ohio, 4/2/2025, Time: 8AM-5PM
Travel Made Easier: Tips for Lipedema and Lymphedema Patients on the Go (through Juzo Academy) - Live WebinarsTravel can be challenging for lipedema and lymphedema patients, but with thoughtful preparation and support, it can also be empowering. Learn how you can help patients embark on their journeys with confidence and comfort.
Cost: $0.001.25 ABC & 1.5 BOC Credits Awarded
2/3/2025 at 12:00PM EDT
6/9/2025 at 12:00PM EDT
Beyond Complex Decongestive Therapy: Self-Care for the Lipedema and Lymphedema patient (through Juzo Academy) - Live Webinars
Learn from an Industry leader about self-care tools, homecare, self-massage and compression. You will learn about the new wave of lymph care, including lasers, tools & techniques to transform lymphedema and lipedema treatment.
Cost: $0.001.25 ABC & 1.5 BOC Credits Awarded
4/14/2025 at 12:00PM EDT
5/12/2025 at 12:00PM EDTLymphedema vs. Lipedema - What's the Difference? (through Juzo Academy) - Live Webinars
Learn the differences between Lymphedema & Lipedema with a special focus on compression garment solutions.
Cost: $0.00
1.5 ABC & BOC Credits Awarded
3/26/25 at 12:00PM EDT
3/26/25 at 3:00PM EDT
6/23/25 at 10:00AM EDT
6/23/25 at 2:00PM EDT
8/26/25 at 9:00AM EDT
8/26/25 at 3:00PM EDT
11/17/25 at 12:00PM EDT
11/17/25 at 3:00PM EDTAn Expert Opinion on Lipedema with Linda Anne Kahn (through Juzo Academy) - Live Webinars
Thought leader, Linda Anne Kahn, will lead us in an in-depth discussion about Lipedema based on science based research.
Cost: $0.001.5 ABC & BOC Credits Awarded
3/24/2025 at 12:00PM EDT
Fat Disorders Resource Society 2025 ConferenceSave the Date- Conference website and additional details coming soon!
Cost: $ Coming Soon
CME: Coming Soon
Atlanta, Georgia and Virtual, 3/21/25 at 8:00AM EDT to 3/23/25 at 1:00PM EDT
Emerging from the Shadows: Recognizing and Treating Lipedema -Recorded WebinarOne of the limitations of BMI is that it fails to account for either body composition or body fat distribution. While patients with lipedema may have a BMI >30kg/m2, their condition is very different from most obesity associated with positive energy balance. Accumulation of fibroadipose tissue in the lower body and arms has distinct pathologic features as well as resistance to conventional therapies. This session will examine how lipedema is different from most forms of obesity, how it is diagnosed, and the unique treatment strategies used to combat this challenging condition.
Cost: $25.20
1.00 AMA PRA Category 1 Credit™
Jean LaMantia, RD, details strategies and discusses tools on how to recognize Lipedema and Lymphedema. She also illustrates how nutrition and a team-based approach to care can play a key role in improving overall care for patients.
Cost: $14.99 (CE Club Members), $29.99 (Non-members)
1.50 AMA PRA Category 1 Credit™
1.50 CDR
1.50 Interprofessional Continuing Education (IPCE)
Lipedema Awareness for Massage Therapists: Tools to Help Clients with Lipedema
Kathleen Lisson, LMT, CLT, describes the most common symptoms of lipedema, details types of massage that can help reduce symptoms of lipedema, describes ways to accommodate clients in larger bodies, and demonstrates how to use information from the client interview and health history form to design a massage session for a client with lipedema.
Cost: $25.00
1 CEU hour through NCBTMB
Clinical Presentation of Lipedema
Join Dr. Steven Dean at Obesity Week 2023 in Dallas as he explores the clinical presentation of Lipedema
Diagnosing Lipedema Part 1 - Diagnosis InterviewDr. Karen Herbst completes a patient history and interview to arrive at a Lipedema diagnosis
Diagnosing Lipedema Part 2 - Physical Exam
Dr. Karen Herbst completes a physical exam to arrive at a Lipedema diagnosis
Lipedema Diagnosis Explained: What You Need to Know
More from Dr. Karen Herbst on Lipedema diagnosis
Unlocking the Secrets of Lipedema Diagnosis and Treatment
Drs. Steven Dean, Thomas Wright and Tony Gasparis discuss how they effectively address Lipedema, plus a guest speaker shares her Lipedema story
Lipedema Overview & Physical Exam by Dr. Dean
Dr. Dean gives an overview of Lipedema and discusses the physical exam. Dr. Dean makes a case for the vaso-spastic nature of Lipedema and demonstrates associated likely blood capillary and vein issues
Lipedema Basics for Vascular Specialists
Lipedema experts Karen Herbst, PhD, MD, Steven Dean, DO and Paula Donahue, PT, DPT, CLT-LANA, MBA present on Lipedema basics, how to recognize the signs and symptoms and understand the options for management
Outcome Measures for Lipedema & Lymphedema
Molly Sleigh, OTD, OTR/L, CLT-LANA discusses the growing need for Lymphedema- and Lipedema-specific patient-reported outcome measures (PROMs). PROMs are measures of patients’ health-related quality of life (HRQOL)
Lymphedema- and Lipedema-specific PROMs ensure patient-centered evaluation and play a vital role when coupled with other lymphedema measurements. Outcome measures can be grouped into four categories: self-report, performance-based, observer-reported, and clinician-reported
Lymphedema vs. Lipedema: Overview, Diagnosis and Treatment
Olga Duclos, PA-C, from Johns Hopkins Department of Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery explores the differences between lymphedema and lipedema, two conditions that are often confused with each other. Olga discusses diagnosis and treatment options.
Lipedema, Understanding the Whole Picture: Why Pelvic Health?
This webinar provides a brief introduction to lipedema, basic pathophysiology, differential diagnosis, current treatment tools, interventions and define research futures, needs and gaps. This webinar is specifically designed for the provider who wants to expand their knowledge, differential diagnostic skills and apply that to individualized treatment programs for patients with lipedema.
Conservative Treatments for Lipedema - Physical Therapist Explains Compression, Exercise, and More!
Get the inside scoop on conservative treatments for lipedema directly from Sandra, a physical therapist and lipedema warrior herself!
Conservative Physical Therapy for Persons with Fat Disorders: Evidence Based Medicine Updates
Paula Donahue, PT, DPT, CLT-LANA, MBA, presents on conservative therapy treatments for Lipedema.
Rachelle Crescenzi, PhD, presents on Complete Decongestive Therapy results for Lipedema patients.
Karen Ashforth, MS, OTR, CLT-LANA, highlights treatment techniques surrounding fibrosis in Lipedema.
Overcoming Barriers to Intimacy
Molly Sleigh, OTD, OTR/L, CLT-LANA, addresses strategies for improving impaired body image and intimacy amongst Lipedema patients.
Recognizing Lipedema and Treatment Options for Your Patient
Drs. Steven Dean, Thomas Wright and Tony Gasparis, with Julie Green, OTR/L CLT-LANA, WCC, CLWT, will discuss Lipedema - the pathophysiology, association with vein disease, conservative treatments and surgical options available for your patients.
Lipedema Landmines: How MCAS, hEDS, and POTS Show Up and Affect Lipedema Treatment
In this webinar, Karen Ashforth, MS, OTR/L, CLT-LANA, focuses on increasing awareness of these three syndromes that can confound and complicate Lipedema.
Laurie Eyles, Dietetics Lead at NHS Lothian: Diet and Lipoedema - The EvidenceNHS Lothian dietitian and advisor to the Scottish Government's Healthy Weight Unit, Laurie Eyles, takes us through what evidence there currently is for the link between diet and Lipoedema. She also talks about diet culture, weight management, and having a better relationship with food.
Molly Sleigh explains what manual lymph drainage (MLD) is, and provides visual demonstrations.
FDRS Youtube Self-Care Playlist
10-part video playlist highlighting exercise, compression pumps, vibration, dry-brushing, self-MLD, deep breathing techniques, compression garments, and yoga
Drs. Karen Herbst, Thomas Wright, and Stephen Scott discuss bariatric surgery, vein surgery, and other considerations for patients with Lipedema and Dercum’s Disease
Aqua Therapy for Lipedema: Simple Things You Can Do Today to Help Your BodyA review of aquatic therapy techniques by patient advocate, Susan O’Hara
Demonstration of deep breathing techniques at FDRS 2016 conference
Overview of the Standard of Care for Lipedema in the United States
Overview of Lipedema and Dercum's Disease
A Day in the Life of a Fat Disorder Patient
A skit by Dr. Karen Herbst and a patient
LF at the Lipedema Patients Roundtable
Watch LF and FDRS as guests at the February 2024 Lipedema Patients RoundableComparing Nutrition Plans for the Lipedema Patient
Linda-Anne Kahn compares a plethora of nutrition plans ('diets') at the 2017 FDRS Conference.
Lipedema can be Life-Threatening
Dr. Josef Stutz discusses increased rates of suicide attempts, depression and eating disorders among women with Lipedema
Liposuction for Fat Disorders (FDRS 2016 panel)Presentations on liposuction from Drs. David Amron, Donald Buck II, Marcia Byrd, Stefan Rapprich, and Josef Stutz. Dr. Karen Herbst moderates discussion from the panel.
Lipedema Foundation Video & Media Disclaimer Statement
The Videos and Presentations on this page represent the views and opinions of the original creators of this content, and do not necessarily represent the views, opinions, or endorsement of the Lipedema Foundation. This content has been made available for informational and educational purposes only. The Lipedema Foundation does not make any representations or warranties regarding the accuracy, applicability, fitness for purpose, or completeness of the following content or any sites listed or linked to within the videos/presentations.
These videos/presentations are not intended to substitute professional medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment. Advice from a physician or other qualified healthcare provider should always be sought regarding a medical condition.
The Lipedema Foundation hereby disclaims any and all liability to any party for any direct, indirect, implied, punitive, special, incidental, or other consequential damages arising directly or indirectly from any use of the following video/presentations content, which is provided as is, and without warranties.