by Erik Lontok
At the outset of our Lipedema project, a patient registry had long been considered a Foundation priority. As we launched our first grant cycle in 2017; laid the groundwork for the now robust LF research network; and built and maintained relationships across the Lipedema clinical, patient advocacy, and research diaspora - we always kept in mind how best to design, implement, and execute the community’s shared desires for a Lipedema patient registry.
After an arduous 2018, and a hectic 2019, it is our pleasure to announce that Lipedema Foundation Registry (LFR) has launched! We could not have accomplished this without the the help of intrepid explorers like Joanna Dudek (SWPS U.), Tilly Smidt, Sharie Fetzer (Lipoedema UK), Karen Herbst (U.Arizona), as well as Rachelle Crescenzi and Paula Donahue (Vanderbilt U.), alongside the technical and survey expertise of REDCap Cloud and RTI International, and of course the countless testing hours volunteered by family, friends, and patients.
So the picture below is for all of those whom have helped make this possible - a gracious thank you and cheers to all of you!
LF South (Maryland Office) members celebrating the LFR launch. From left to right, Stephanie Peterson/Registry Guru, Erik Lontok/Bystander Scientist, Leanna Frye/Comms Aficionado.