Principal Investigator: Pia Ostergaard, PhD
Institution: St George's University of London
LF Funding History: 2015 Proof-of-Concept Award
Hypothesis: To identify heritable factors that contribute to the development of lipoedema.
Collaborative Opportunities: Considerable data is being created through our partnership with people with lipoedema. Therefore, the following opportunities are open for collaboration: qualitative questionnaire analysis, and in-depth assessment of tissuе samples.
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St George's Healthcare News - St George's leading the way in lipoedema research
Project: Genetic Analysis of Lipoedema
There is often a strong family history of patients with lipoedema, suggesting that there is a genеtic component to the condition. The project will examine the genome by two angles: (1) analysis of familial cases by next generation sequencing, and (2) analysis of sporadic cases by sophisticated microarray technologies. To accomplish these aims, St George's University of London will partner with well characterized families and individuals with lipedema. Affiliated with St George's University of London, the program is led by Dr. Pia Ostergaard in conjunction with Dr. Kristiana Gordon, Professor Peter Mortimer, Glen Brice, and Dr. Vaughan Keeley.
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